Is Christ God?

Holy Scriptures abound with passages and references to Christ as God, and not, like Jehovah’s Witnesses would want as “a god”, that is “God’s creature”, but as to the only God the Creator. We find them both in the Old and in the New Testament which attributes belonging solely to God Yahweh they ascribe to Christ (e.g. Ps. 97, 7 in Heb. 1, 6; Ps. 45, 6-7 in Heb. 1, 8 or Ps. 102, 25-27 in Heb. 1, 10).

When talking with Antitrinitarians, that is, those who believe neither in the Trinity nor in the Divinity of Christ, I often hear them say that there is no single verse in the Bible which would call Christ by the name that only God deserves. When I ask them how would the Scripture have to define Christ for him to be worthy of worship equal to God, they respond that if the authors of the Scriptures wanted Christ to be worshiped equal to God the Father, they would have called him “true God”. Then I refer them to the Scripture which calls Christ just that: “And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding in order that we might know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” (1 Jn 5, 20) See also: Jn 1, 1-3, 18; 5, 23; 20, 28; Acts 20, 28; Phil. 2, 6; Rom. 9, 5; Rev. 5, 12-14 and many others.

We are presently working on adding the article here: Christology of the New Testament writers. Who was Christ?